Choosing the Right GitHub Repository Structure

When it comes to hosting a website or managing a project on GitHub, organizing your repository effectively is crucial. A well-structured repository makes your project easier to maintain, more accessible for collaborators, and ensures smooth deployment on platforms like GitHub Pages. In this article, we will explore various repository structures and discuss how to choose the right one for your project.

1. Understanding Repository Structures

In GitHub, a repository (often referred to as a repo) is where you store the code, files, and history of your project. There are different structures that you can use depending on your project's size and purpose. Let’s break down the most common ones:

  • Single Repository: All code for a project resides in one repository.
  • Monorepo (Monolithic Repository): Multiple projects are combined into a single repository.
  • Multi-Repo (Multiple Repositories): Different repositories for different parts of a project.

Each structure has its advantages and trade-offs, so let’s dive deeper into when and why you might choose each one

2. Single Repository Structure

A single repository is the most common choice for small projects or personal websites. In this setup, all the code, configuration files, and documentation are housed in one repository. GitHub Pages, for example, works well with this structure when you're working on a simple static website.

Best For:

  • Personal websites
  • Simple project sites
  • Small teams or individual projects


  • Simplicity: Easy to manage for individual developers or small teams. All files and documentation are in one place.
  • Version Control: GitHub's version control system works seamlessly, tracking changes to the entire project in one place.
  • Single Branch Management: Ideal for smaller projects that use only one or two branches (main and dev, for example).

Example Project Structure:

├── index.html
├── about.html
├── styles/
│   └── style.css
└── scripts/
    └── main.js

This structure is ideal for personal websites hosted on GitHub Pages, where the repository contains just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.


  • Scalability: As the project grows, a single repository can become difficult to manage. Collaboration with larger teams can introduce merge conflicts.

3. Monorepo (Monolithic Repository)

In a monorepo structure, multiple projects (or microservices) are stored within a single repository. This can be useful for large, interconnected projects where the team prefers centralized control over all code and services. It is particularly useful in companies or teams where several related projects share common dependencies or tooling. You can also have a look at Google's Monorepo for more information.

Best For:

  • Large projects with multiple services
  • Teams that want to centralize all codebases
  • Projects that share dependencies and services


  • Centralized Management: All related projects are under one umbrella. It’s easy to share libraries or assets between different parts of the project.
  • Synchronized Development: Developers can work on multiple services simultaneously without the need for separate repos.
  • Shared Configuration: All tools, libraries, and workflows are shared across projects, reducing setup time.

Example Project Structure from Uber Engineering:

├── frontend/
│   └── src/
├── backend/
│   └── src/
├── shared-libraries/
│   └── utils/
└── scripts/
    └── deployment/


  • Complexity: With multiple projects in one repository, managing the monorepo becomes complex. Build processes can slow down, and versioning can become tricky when different parts of the project move at different paces.
  • Tooling Requirements: You may need additional tools like Lerna or Bazel to manage dependencies and versions in a monorepo effectively.

Watch video on monorepo

4. Multi-Repo (Multiple Repositories)

A multi-repo structure means dividing your project into several repositories, with each repo managing a specific component or service. For example, you might have separate repositories for your website’s front end, back end, and deployment scripts.

Best For:

  • Microservice architectures
  • Large teams with separate roles (frontend, backend, infrastructure)
  • Projects with independent parts that don’t need to be tightly coupled


  • Separation of Concerns: Each part of the project is contained in its own repository, reducing clutter and simplifying version control.
  • Independent Versioning: You can version different services independently, ensuring changes in one service don’t affect the others.
  • Faster Builds: Since each repo handles a single part of the project, build processes are faster and less complex.

Example Project Structure:

│   └── src/

│   └── src/

    └── scripts/


  • Cross-repo Collaboration: If multiple repositories need to be updated in sync, this can lead to coordination challenges.
  • Dependency Management: Sharing code or libraries between repositories can be more difficult compared to a monorepo.

5. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Repository Structure

To choose the right structure, consider the following factors:

  • Team Size: For small teams or solo projects, a single repo is usually sufficient. Larger teams working on related projects might benefit from a monorepo, while distributed teams working on separate components might prefer a multi-repo approach.
  • Project Size: Smaller projects, such as personal websites or simple apps, should use a single repo. For larger projects with several interconnected parts, monorepos or multi-repos work better.
  • Collaboration Requirements: If your team is constantly working on interconnected services, a monorepo might offer better collaboration. If different teams are working on independent parts, go for a multi-repo.
  • Tooling: Using a monorepo may require additional tooling to manage builds, dependencies, and versioning. This is less of an issue for single or multi-repo setups.

Each structure has its advantages and trade-offs, so let’s dive deeper into when and why you might choose each one

6. Conclusion

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a GitHub repository structure. The decision depends on your project’s complexity, team size, and collaboration needs. Start simple with a single repo for personal projects, and as your project grows, consider whether a monorepo or multi-repo structure will better suit your development workflow.

For simple static websites hosted on GitHub Pages, a single repo is usually the best choice, ensuring easy deployment and version control. For larger, more complex projects, balancing the trade-offs of monorepos and multi-repos will help you find the optimal structure.